

Brian Alvarado landed a position as a Solutions Analyst at Deloitte before he finished his classes.

Brian Alvarado stands smiling with his arms crossed in front of the Deloitte building. 他穿着灰色休闲裤和蓝色衬衫.

Brian Alvarado is a 满帆 grad who landed his current job before he even finished school. 布莱恩在监狱里学到的技术技能 Web开发 program made him an appealing hire for Deloitte, a global financial services provider. Now he’s putting his knowledge to use doing full-stack development as a Solutions Analyst at the company.

Brian’s interest in technology blossomed when he was still a kid in Rochester, New York. He received a Commodore 64 for Christmas in the early '80s and was instantly fascinated with everything the 8-bit computer could do. When he reached adulthood he moved to Florida; he eventually started working as a fabricator at a local transformer company. After hearing about 满帆 from a coworker, Brian signed up for Web开发 program. 他喜欢所有的课,但他的 接口编程 当然是他的最爱.

“(那个班)最引人注目. 我必须使用API创建一个完全可操作的手机应用程序. The challenge was at the appropriate level of difficulty, and I really enjoyed creating the app. During this class I felt as if I had already achieved my dream of becoming a developer,布莱恩回忆道.

Brian’s instructors also helped him gain a sense of professional accomplishment, 尤其是课程主任爱德华·阿尔梅达.

“Ed had given me so much support and really showed interest in my growth as a developer,” says Brian. “When I found out he had submitted a Course Director Award for me I was so grateful because it was him that drew the best work out of me. Working with Ed made me feel as if I was already working in the field as a developer, and that’s something not every teacher can accomplish for a student.”

Brian started submitting his resume to tech companies before he graduated, 最后他得到了德勤的工作邀请. He started working as a Solutions Analyst right after he completed his degree. Brian’s job requires him to develop solutions using modern technologies.

“Currently my role as a Solutions Analyst is full-stack development. 在任何给定时间, I could be working with legacy code and creating a modern solution to achieve the same result [as the old solution] while also improving performance. Or I could be working with modern technologies and creating a solution to meet the needs of any given client,布莱恩解释道.

布赖恩的一天通常包括参加会议, 分析遗留代码, 编写新代码, 进行研究. He uses an Integrated Development Environment to write and debug his code, and he also uses multiple web browsers to test responsiveness across different environments and devices. He loves the creativity and problem-solving that come along with his job, and he rises to the challenge when he has to quickly learn new skills.

“当我接到新任务时, I may not be familiar with the [exact technologies being used, so I] must be willing to learn and adapt to the given scenario. 但客户不应该等待这种转变, so we must be highly self-driven and responsible for our own growth,他说.

Brian’s commitment to maintaining his current skills and learning new ones is helping him succeed at Deloitte. But he wouldn’t be enjoying his role as a Solutions Analyst if he hadn’t tirelessly worked to land an industry job in the first place.

“My best advice for any student would be to start looking for a job at least one year before expected graduation,他说. “Start as soon as possible and expect a response from maybe one out of 10 resumes. Don’t lose hope… I remember the day of my graduation I had received two calls from other employers making me offers, but I declined because I had already made my decision to go with Deloitte, 我很高兴我做到了. This is what every student should reach for: The opportunity to turn down offers from multiple employers.”