
教师焦点:埃里克·罗森菲尔德(项目总监,数字艺术 & 设计及平面设计)

作为满帆两个设计学位的项目主管, Eric Rosenfeld focuses on how design principles intersect with the latest technology.

埃里克·罗森菲尔德对着镜头微笑. He has gray hair 和 is wearing a blue collared shirt with a tan blazer.

“我爸爸是工程师,妈妈是艺术家. 所以当网络出现的早期, 我对如何将这两个世界联系在一起很感兴趣,埃里克·罗森菲尔德说, 满帆的项目主管 数字艺术 & 设计 和 平面设计 菠菜台子大全. That curiosity about the intersection of technology 和 artistry served Eric well throughout his freelance design career – he’s worked with br和s like MTV2, 迪斯尼, 和学术. 今天, he’s exploring the ways new tech can help 满帆’s design students forge ahead in the industry.

I always like to tell 满帆 students that there's a lot of work for these companies because they spend a lot of time 和 effort just to find out what other parts of the company are doing."

Eric graduated with dual bachelor’s degrees in 音乐 和 Special Education from Florida State University before he began his career as an educator. He was working as a middle school special education teacher when he first saw an opportunity to combine design with technology in the classroom.

“[In the early days of the web], I was a sixth through eighth grade special education teacher. 所以我的学生们, they would draw [their own personal] websites 和 I went 和 bought a book on HTML to learn how to code… then they would get excited about writing 和 reading off of their own website. 这种方式, a lot of those students had websites before major companies 和 major people in the field today,埃里克回忆道.

He continued his journey in design by enrolling at 满帆 和 earning an associate degree in Digital 媒体, then transitioned to working at the university as a course director in the 数字艺术 & 设计方案. 同时, Eric started building his freelance design career – a connection with a 满帆 design grad helped him l和 a gig with MTV2’s 怪物组合. 这家有线电视节目将音乐视频重新混音,以获得新鲜的视觉体验.

“(毕业生的团队)会为网站编辑嘻哈视频 怪物组合 show, 和 I would create the graphical transitions between the videos,” Eric explains. “那是21世纪初. So [we’d start with a video from] Chingy, then go to Timbal和, to maybe some Beyoncé. And I would have to take those music videos 和 visually transition them from one to another to make one 30-minute-long music video.”

Eric also brought his artistry 和 technical skills to corporate communications for major organizations like 迪斯尼 和学术.

“I always like to tell 满帆 students that there's a lot of work for these companies because they spend a lot of time 和 effort just to find out what other parts of the company are doing,埃里克说. “One part of the company always needs to communicate with the other. When I had 迪斯尼 as a client, [we had to demonstrate], ‘How did this big event happen at 迪斯尼?’ And then summarizing it through video 和 through design 和 motion graphics so it could be part of a big presentation to [employees on] the other side of 迪斯尼.”

当Eric在Scholastic工作时, he helped design promotions for the books on sale at their popular elementary 和 middle school book fairs.

“We were working with the publisher to create commercials for their books that would then play as a part of the Scholastic Book Fairs… We'd have to very quickly figure out what the book is about, 创建一个小故事线. 我的老板, he would actually travel 和 interview the authors 和 then we would come back, 他会编辑(采访). 这是一段作者视频, but then we created all original graphics to fly around the screen 和 get students interested in reading those books,他说.

目前, Eric is digging into the latest design tech to stay on top of industry trends 和 find out how new tools can benefit 满帆 students. He recently delved into NFTs by creating a few with other 满帆 design educators, 和 he’s exploring different prototyping technologies (like 3D printers 和 vinyl cutters) to see if they can be used in unique ways by 满帆 design students. 最重要的是, Eric is using his professional experience to teach students about the design industry’s past – 和 prepare them for its future.

(当你为满帆工作时), you’ve got to look for ways where your experience can contribute to the conversation,他说. “但这与我们无关,而是与学生的经历有关. 所以我们想和学生们分享我们的经验, but we also need to prepare them [for the fact] that their time in the industry is going to be radically different than what we experienced. 这就是进步的本质.”