
教师焦点:Deb Walters

Lab specialist 和 production advisor Deb Walters served as a script supervisor on 《银河护卫队2, 《行尸走肉》, 《十大菠菜台子》 和更多的.

Deborah Walters helps student script supervisor Ryan Bessette with script on set

大学毕业后, Deb Walters took the first steps on a path that would eventually lead her to working on popular titles such as 《银河护卫队2《行尸走肉》. 然而, after receiving her degree from the University of Central Florida in radio 和 television communications, working on film 和 television was not initially on her radar.

“I was working as a field reporter doing traffic reports [after graduation]. And then, through someone I was working with, started working on commercials 和 film production. 我就是这样进入电影行业的, 从故事片和电视节目到工业, 音乐视频, 还有各种不同类型的电影,她说。.

[I tell my students], ‘You’re only as good as your last job.“这是一个自由职业者的世界. 生产部门有一些员工职位, 主要是在广播行业, 但大部分都是自由职业者.”

After her introduction into the industry, Deb went on to become a script supervisor. She has served as a script 和 continuity supervisor on hundreds of projects over the years, 包括 信条, 原件, 《十大菠菜台子》.

(作为剧本总监), 我是导演的顾问, making sure that we shoot everything that we need to shoot to tell the story 和 that everything we shoot is going to cut together properly,黛布解释道. “And for continuity, [making sure] that everything matches. 当有人捡起东西时, 一杯冰茶, how much liquid is in that 和 what h和 did they pick it up with 和 on what word did they pick it up 和 when did they take a sip? So I'm making sure all of that matches so that when we cut to the different angles, it's consistent.”

在制作了几部作品之后, Deb sought out a change of pace from the crazy hours on set 和 turned to teaching. In 2002, after a brief career as a substitute teacher between jobs where she learned how to teach 和 use her skills as a detail-oriented professional in the classroom, she began working as an instructor at 满帆 for the film department. 而她却很享受在大学的时光, it was her own students that inspired her to get back into the industry in 2009. 她解释说, “我意识到, ‘哇, 好吧, 我已经进去了,而且真的很难进去, all these [students] wanted to leave here 和 get in. 我想回去再做一次.’”

容易厌倦单调, Deb enjoyed her time traveling between film sets 和 working with a new crew 和 new material on every project. 作为一个自由的灵魂, she didn’t want to be tied down by the rigid schedule of a nine-to-five, so she appreciated the freedom that freelancing gave her. 偶尔, 在做节目的时候, 她会在露营车里住上几个月, 探索她的工作带她去的不同地方.

一直以来, 黛布还写道, 导演, 并制作了一些她自己的项目, 其中大部分是教育纪录片.

“[My favorite project was] a video I produced for the National Park Service that was in traveling trunks in elementary schools in five counties in Florida called 生态更新,海豚世界是关于海豚和生态的. 我和一个小学视频班结对, the kids signed up for what position they wanted to do. So the crew that I brought in all had a ten-year-old counterpart that they taught their position to when we shot that video.”

然后, after working on various film 和 television sets around the country for more than a decade, 黛布决定回去教书. Thirteen years after her students inspired her to go back into the industry, Deb returned to 满帆 in 2022 to impart the knowledge she’d acquired during her time away onto her new students. Now she serves as an instructor in the film curriculum, as 好吧 as a lab specialist 和 production consultant. Additionally, she has opened classes so she can mentor aspiring script supervisors.

在教授剧本监督的同时, Deb actually allows students to work on their own scripts in the classroom, which helps them achieve the high level of detail orientation required for the craft while also improving their own pieces in the process. 她也教手艺以外的东西, 教育他们如何建立关系网, 填写考勤卡, 为他们纳税, 并在这个行业找到工作.

“[I tell my students], ‘You’re only as good as your last job.“这是一个自由职业者的世界. 生产部门有一些员工职位, 主要是在广播行业, 但大部分都是自由职业者,黛布说. “我不是在训练你找到第一份工作. I'm trying to train you how to get the next job 和 the next job. And that's by having a really great work ethic 和 always being on time because people don't have to fire you, 他们只要不再雇你就行了.”